FreeStyle Libre 2 and FreeStyle Libre 3 systems are indicated for use in people with diabetes age 4 and older.
Medicare coverage is available for FreeStyle Libre systems if their respective readers are used to review glucose data on some days every month. Medicare and other third-party payor criteria apply.
Abbott provides this information as a courtesy, it is subject to change and interpretation. The customer is ultimately responsible for determining the appropriate codes, coverage, and payment policies for individual patients. Abbott does not guarantee third party coverage or payment for our products or reimburse customers for claims that are denied by third party payors.
* Data from this study was collected with the outside US version of the FreeStyle Libre 14 day system. FreeStyle Libre 2 has the same features as FreeStyle Libre 14 day system with optional real-time glucose alarms. Therefore, the study data is applicable to both products.
† Data from this study was collected with the outside US version of the FreeStyle Libre 14 day system. FreeStyle Libre 3 has the same features as FreeStyle Libre 14 day system with real-time glucose alarms. Therefore, the study data is applicable to both products.
‡ Data from this study was collected with the FreeStyle Libre 14 day system and FreeStyle LibreLink. FreeStyle Libre 3 has the same features as FreeStyle Libre 14 day system with real-time glucose alarms. Therefore, the study data is applicable to both products.
§ IMPACT Trial: A randomized, controlled 6-month trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the FreeStyle Libre glucose monitoring system (n=119) on glycemic control for the self-management of T1D as compared to SMBG (n=120).
II REPLACE Trial: A randomized, controlled trial to evaluate the impact of FreeStyle Libre glucose monitoring system (n=149) on HbA1c in patients with T2D taking multiple doses of insulin at 6 months compared to SMBG (n=75).
¶ FLARE Study: A real-world study of the effect of FreeStyle Libre system on 1365 T1D and T2D patients on insulin over 1 year: endpoints included A1c, hypoglycemia, and patient-reported outcomes.
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