It matters to those living with diabetes who deserve the latest in glucose management, and to those who care for them.
That's why Abbott is committed to making CGM more affordable and accessible for your patients.
Half the cost of other CGMs†1
Most commercially insured patients save over 50% every month for their FreeStyle Libre 3 Plus or 2 Plus sensors with a PA‡1
PA = prior authorization
Over 95% of commercial plans cover
FreeStyle Libre systems1
Choose a category below to explore coverage options for your patients.
For your commercially insured patients, FreeStyle Libre systems are covered by over 95% of commercial plans1.
To help your patients save even more, an approved prior authorization can help them save over 50% every month for their FreeStyle Libre 3 Plus or 2 Plus sensors‡1.
For your patients, accessing FreeStyle Libre systems is simple:
See FreeStyle Libre DME suppliers
DME = durable medical equipment
FreeStyle Libre systems are now covered by Medicare for your patients managing diabetes with insulinII2. Your Medicare patients with problematic hypoglycemia may also be eligible for coverageII¶2. See the full CMS coverage criteria below for complete details.
Your patients can then fill their prescription at participating Medicare fee-for-service suppliers, or Medicare Advantage DME suppliers.
As more states across the nation are expanding CGM coverage3-6, please check your state's Medicaid coverage criteria.
Medicare eligibility criteria2
See CMS coverage criteria I View Medicare fee-for-service suppliers I Find Medicare Advantage DME suppliers
CMS = Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; DME = durable medical equipment
Your patients who have insurance through the Department of Veterans Affairs or the Department of Defense TRICARE medical benefit can access FreeStyle Libre systems if they qualify1,7-9. Prior authorization is required to receive coverage under the pharmacy benefit.
Prescription criteria7
Prior Authorization criteria8,9
View Prescription Criteria Guide I See TRICARE Prescribing Guide
Veterans Dedicated Customer Care: 1-833-825-4273 (1-833-VALIBRE)
DoD Dedicated Customer Care: 1-833-375-4363 (1-833-FSL-4DOD)
Indian Health Services Dedicated Customer Care: 1-833-375-4447 (1-833-FSL-4IHS)
If your patient has a different type of coverage, if they aren't insured, or if they have any questions, they can get in touch with us at 1-855-632-8658 to find a solution.
You can also trust the MyFreeStyle program to help your patients when they need it most. From onboarding, to training, to ongoing support, this free program is there for your patients through every step of their journey.
PA = prior authorization, VISN = Veterans Integrated Service Network
Medicare and other payor criteria may apply. Abbott provides this information as a courtesy and does not guarantee payment or coverage.
* Based on prescription claims for the aggregate of patients covered by Commercial insurance, Managed Medicare, Managed Medicaid using the FreeStyle Libre personal CGM systems versus competitors’ CGM systems. Does not include fee-for-service Medicare, fee-for-service Medicaid, and uninsured patients. The actual amount a patient pays may vary. The FreeStyle Libre systems require a prescription.
† Based on a comparison of list prices of the FreeStyle Libre personal CGM systems versus competitors’ CGM systems, assuming annual use of one receiver (or equivalent hardware) and quantity of transmitters and/or sensors according to use life. The actual cost to patients may or may not be lower than other CGM systems, depending on the amount covered by insurance, if any.
‡ Based on prescription claims for commercially insured patients starting on the FreeStyle Libre personal CGM system compared to competitor CGMs. Does not include Medicare, Medicaid, uninsured, and other federal or state healthcare program patients.
§ Participating pharmacies and DMEs are subject to change without notice. Product availability may vary by retailer.
II Patients must meet Medicare eligibility coverage criteria.
¶ A history of problematic hypoglycemia requires documentation of at least one of the following: 1) Recurrent level 2 hypoglycemic events (glucose <54 mg/dL) that persist despite multiple (2 or more) attempts to adjust medication(s) and/or modify the diabetes treatment plan; or 2) one level 3 hypoglycemic event (glucose <54 mg/dL) characterized by altered mental and/or physical state requiring third-party assistance for treatment of hypoglycemia.
# If automated criteria are not met, coverage is manually approved for FreeStyle Libre 2 systems and FreeStyle Libre 3 systems if all criteria are met.
References: 1. Data on file. Abbott Diabetes Care, Inc. 2. Local Coverage Determination (LCD) L33822, Glucose Monitors, 3. Medi-Cal Rx. Medical Supplies: Future Changes to Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems Coverage Criteria and Prior Authorization Bundling (2023). 4. Michigan Medical Policy. Revisions to Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems (CGMS) Policy (2023): Bulletin # MMP 23-31. 5. New York Department of Health. Updated Continuous Glucose Monitoring Criteria. 2023. 6. Utah Medicaid Pharmacy Prior Authorization Request Form. 2023. 7. Memorandum, Updated Guidance on Patient Selection Criteria for Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM), July 7, 2023. Department of Veterans Affairs. 8. Department of Defense Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Recommendations from the February 2024 meeting, Accessed May 9, 2024. 9. Department of Defense Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Recommendations from the November 2022 Meeting Information for the Uniform Formulary Beneficiary Advisory Panel. Accessed November 22, 2024.
ADC-90846 v3.0
Important Safety Information
Failure to use FreeStyle Libre systems as instructed in labeling may result in missing a severe low or high glucose event and/or making a treatment decision, resulting in injury. If glucose reading and alarms (if enabled) do not match symptoms or expectations, use a fingerstick value from a blood glucose meter for treatment decisions. Get medical attention when appropriate. Abbott Customer Service: 855-632-8658 or visit for safety info.
The product images are for illustrative purposes only.
The sensor housing, FreeStyle, Libre, and related brand marks are marks of Abbott. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
No use of any Abbott trademark, trade name, or trade dress in this site may be made without prior written authorization of Abbott Laboratories, except to identify the product or services of the company.
This website and the information contained herein is intended for use by residents of the United States.
ADC-45115 v21.0
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